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Wonder Outside Whiteboard, Episode 1: Screens

Ranger Ted talks about how we can leave the screens behind and get more into nature

Screens rule our lives.

They keep us connected in some ways but they prevent us from connecting to each other and to nature in a meaningful way. Let’s try something fun! Let’s leave our phones at home or in the car and take a hike. Just an experiment and my guess is that after the panic you’re going to find that you are wondering …in a GOOD way – a lot more! If you simply can’t do that, then try putting it on mute and not picking it up the entire time you are out exploring.

See what happens

Great Blue Heron

See what other senses start engaging with the world around you.  And when you are done, go ahead and tweet and share and text and all that good stuff.  But then think back and maybe you’ll say, “Hmm…that was pretty fun, interesting, rewarding and relaxing.”  Then maybe…just maybe…do it again tomorrow 😉

Ted Mattison, also known as Ranger Ted, is a Certified California Naturalist, trained in Wilderness First Aid, and has explored, hiked, canoed and kayaked extensively from his home state of Minnesota to Alaska, Washington and California. He’s a graduate of Oberlin College and a former Social Studies teacher. Ted has been a working actor, director, producer and acting teacher in Los Angeles for 25 years. He is the founder of Wonder Outside with Ranger Ted and lives in Huntington Beach with his wife and two daughters. For more info please visit


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 Ranger Ted is committed to sharing the great outdoors with people of all ages and abilities one hiking adventure at at time.  As a California Naturalist and expert hiking guide he believes that ground level interaction with the natural world greatly enhances the physical and mental health of all people.  He believes that greater bio-diversity is the key to a healthy planet which includes all species of animals and plants of which we humans are an integral part.  Ranger Ted knows that children who explore the natural world in unique, independent and imaginative ways learn a multitude of skills including confidence, leadership, curiousness, patience, stewardship and problem solving to name just a few.

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