Keep It Simple on Earth Day
We remembered to get some shoes on and not walk down a busy street…that’s it! Oh, and to look at the trees and hummingbirds and basically get back in time to eat ;-)! Have a simple and easy EARTH DAY! Don’t over complicate things with elaborate plans or unrealistic expectations. From my 9 month old to you, get out there and soak in some of the natural wonders of this planet !
Ted Mattison, also known as Ranger Ted, is a Certified California Naturalist, trained in Wilderness First Aid, and has explored, hiked, canoed and kayaked extensively from his home state of Minnesota to Alaska, Washington and California. He’s a graduate of Oberlin College and a former Social Studies teacher. Ted has been a working actor, director, producer and acting teacher in Los Angeles for 25 years. He is the founder of Wonder Outside with Ranger Ted and lives in Huntington Beach with his wife and two daughters. For more info please visit